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Request for proposal (RFT) for 2023-2025 External Audit

The Remnant Generation (TRG) is a Christian-based Non-Government Organisation that was founded by Mrs. Annabelle Nakabiri Ssebakijje in 2011, and was registered under Non-Government Organisation Act of the Laws of Uganda in 2015 (Reg. no. 1442). The Remnant Generation is committed to the rescue, restoration and empowerment of vulnerable teenage girls faced by crisis pregnancy and sexual abuse. We are seeking for competent audit firms to audit the operations of the organization for a tenure of 3 years 2023-2026.

General Requirements and Scope of work

The audit will cover the entire activities of the Organization during the period of review and specifically the following:
  • The Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Income and Expenditure for the period.
  • The underlying financial records and documents for the same period
  • The entire systems of accounting and internal controls
  • Donor contractual agreements, compliance with statutory returns, among others
  • Human Resource, operation and all administration aspects.

Audit Deliverables

The Auditor is expected to produce the following deliverables;
  • The audit report containing the auditor’s independent opinion on the Financial Statements
  • The Management letter spelling out each audit finding, the risk it pauses to the organization, the appropriate auditor’s recommendation and the Management’s response. Each finding should be properly categorized as ‘High Risk’, ‘Medium Risk’ or ‘Low Risk’.

Period of performance

The financial period of the organization runs from January to December and the first audit will be for the financial year January 2023 to December 2023 and the engagement can be renewed for the next 2 years as can be approved by the Annual General Meeting.

Criteria for selection

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on the requirements set out in the solicitation and any addenda thereto. At the sole discretion of the organization’s Evaluation Committee, the top proposals may be selected for follow-up questions or to provide an oral presentation.

Specification of the Auditor

The auditor should;
  • Be an external, independent and qualified auditor that adheres to the International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB).
  • Have documented resources, knowledge and experience to perform assignment(s) within the requested area(s) of competence(s).
  • Have extensive experience of auditing projects and NGOs at large.
  • Have a very good knowledge regarding local and international procedures, rules and regulations.

Criteria for selection

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on the requirements set out in the solicitation and any addenda thereto. At the sole discretion of the organization’s Evaluation Committee, the top proposals may be selected for follow-up questions or to provide an oral presentation.

The following weighting and points will be assigned to the proposal for evaluation purposes:

  • Technical Proposal-30%
  • Financial Proposal – 50%
  • Vendor Experience – 20%

Criteria for selection

Remnant Generation reserves the right to award the contract to the organization whose proposal is deemed to be in their best interest. The organization with the winning proposal will be notified in writing. Those who were not selected may or may not be notified, at the sole discretion of the Contracts committee.

Terms and conditions

  • The Request for Proposal shall not be considered as an offer.
  • All unresponsive responses will be rejected.
  • All responses must be received on or before the date and time indicated on the RFP. All late responses will be rejected.
  • Remnant Generation reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or cancel the solicitation process at any time, and shall have no liability to the proposing organizations submitting proposals for such rejection or cancellation of the Request for Proposals.
  • Remnant Generation reserves the right to require any bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.

Form/Content of response

All proposals shall:
  • Be in English language
  • Contain detailed cost, with applicable Tax/ charges clearly identified.
  • Provide requested payment terms and conditions.
  • Describe the qualifications, experience and capabilities of the firm in providing the type of services being requested by this RFP. Resumes or CVs of “key personnel” shall be submitted as an attachment.
  • Include a contact name, email address and telephone number to facilitate communication between the Remnant Generation and the submitting organization.
  • A brief outline of the organization and services offered, including;
      • Full legal name, jurisdiction of incorporation and address of the company
      • Year the business was established
  • Bidding documents shall be submitted to the Procurement Unit on the following address as below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX. 100,000 to Account number 3100022844, account title: THE REMNANT GENERATION. Centenary bank and thereafter, will receive a receipt from the Finance Officer on submission of the bids. All bids should be submitted not before 14th June 2024 during working hours(8:30 am to 5:00 pm).